The United Way of the Laurel Highlands will be announcing plans for the 2021 Campaign season, as well as the fundraising goal, during the Campaign Kickoff Breakfast at 8 a.m. Sept. 15 at the Pasquerilla Conference Center, located at 301 Napoleon Street in Johnstown.
The 2020 Campaign resulted in more than $859,000 in grants going to 24 Partner Agencies in Cambria and Somerset Counties.
“We are excited to welcome folks to our Annual Kickoff Breakfast. This event UNITES us in a shared goal of building a healthier, safe and stronger community. Join us as we unveil our plans for the 2021 Campaign and celebrate our Partner Agencies, collaborators, and caring individuals who bring a special spark to Cambria and Somerset Counties,” United Way President and CEO Karen Struble Myers said in a written statement. The United Way’s core initiatives are youth drug and alcohol prevention, parental engagement and early childhood development.
Funding also supports other crucial health and human services.
Register for the breakfast, here,